• What is fusion dance?

    It's a coming together and connection. Moving to music and community. It's mixing dance styles in communication with your partner and the music. It works, trust us.

    To read a description by Flouer Evelyn follow the link https://flouerdances.com/fusion-continuum/

    For a short documentary on fusion dancing https://vimeo.com/393174510 

  • What will the music be like?

    We will have Djs from the fusion dance community playing a range of music from many musical styles, genres and electronica.

    We want our DJs to take you on a quest in their sets.

  • I would love to DJ, how can I let you know?

    Cool! We'll have a DJ application form ready by January 11th.

    DJ application form

  • What if I don’t dance fusion yet?

    The workshops will be suitable for those who already have some partner dance experience in some dance form, or those who are comfortable movers. If you are an absolute beginner looking to dip your toes in, we recommend testing out a social or some dance classes first.

  • How do I get a ticket? What is the lottery system?

    We will have registrations via a lottery system. Once registrations open, you’ll have a week to sign up and be part of the lottery. We feel like this is a fairer system, in the case that the event is really popular, and spares you sitting at your computer when registrations open.

    In case not all tickets are sold through the lottery, remaining tickets will be sold normally.

  • Can we register as a couple?

    You both need to fill out your own registration form, but there is a space to enter the name of your partner. When you both have the other person's name in that box, you’ll be added to the lottery together.

  • How are the tickets priced? What is the sliding scale?

    Ticket pricing is on a sliding scale. The standard ticket price is what we have calculated that lets us run this event and break roughly even. Those who are able to pay a little more help support those who are only able to participate by paying a little less.

  • What if I still need financial assistance?

    Tick the box asking for further help, and we’ll reach out. If we have extra support from people paying on the upper end of the sliding scale, we may be able to provide some additional partial scholarships/discounted places.

  • How “sexy” is this event going to be?

    Dance can be many things — playful, energetic, dramatic, intimate, sensual, erotic, etc. We would like our participants to feel free to express themselves as they want to show up — both in how they dress and behave, but we have a few guidelines and hard rules for you.

    First, any behaviour that violates our code of conduct (link) is not tolerated and can lead to exclusion from the event. If you need assistance with navigating a challenging situation, we will have a care team to support you.

    Second, we rely on you as participants to be mindful of the people around you, and draw the line when a dance that has some “sexy energy” becomes mostly sexy energy with just a little dance. Similarly, we’d like you to be mindful of the remaining participants when interacting intimately with others off the dance floors (e.g. cuddling, kissing). We draw a hard line at keeping your hands out of each other's pants and other clearly sexual behaviour. 

  • Is there a dress code?

    At Fusionauts’ Quest, we’re encouraging you to dress as you would like to be seen in the dance community. We’d love it if you felt inspired by the themes for the parties we came up with, and we offer some ideas for how to do that. How you interpret these themes (if you wanna do so) is up to you. But we ask all attendants to keep genitals and nipples covered. 

  • Is there still a no-picture-policy?

    Yes and no.

    As an attendant at Fusionauts’ Quest you have the right not to have your picture taken without being asked for permission first.

    Do not take pictures or videos of other attendants (including teachers,

    organizers and staff) without prior consent by those visible in the photograph or video. This includes people in the background.

    If you would like to take pictures or videos please find a spot where others are not occasionally be part of.

    We arrange a photo booth with decoration and equipment for you at each venue where you can get creative in taking pictures of you, your friends, your outfits and space.

    Feel free to post them on our Instagram.

  • I would like to volunteer, can I?

    Fusionauts’ Quest needs you! This event wouldn’t be possible without all the great vibes brought by our dancers, but also not without their help to keep things running. We’ll be asking people who would like to help out with a door shift or registrations, DJing, bringing snacks, helping us clean up at the venues and some other small tasks. We’ll be asking you in the registration form what you might be interested in helping out with.

  • What about food and drinks?

    We encourage everyone to bring their water bottle with them (particularly to the workshops). Drinks are available for sale at the Friday, Saturday and Sunday party venues.

    Around most of our venues there are plenty of options for buying food/dinner and fueling yourself for dancing.

    We will be coordinating volunteers to bring some snacks to nibble on for some of the parties. But please don't expect a spacious buffet!

  • Can we bring our Children?

    Our facilities are not child-friendly, so we think it’s best to organise another caretaker for the workshops and parties. If this is absolutely no option for you, but you want to come anyway, please get in touch first.

  • What can I do during the day if I have a party pass?

    Explore Berlin (or sleep). We’ll have an opt-in chat channel for all participants to connect with each other.

  • Will there be hosting?

    We won't be organising hosting for the event. However we will set up an unmoderated Google sheet where people can ask for/offer hosting, or share AirBnBs, or find a ride.

     - link to hosting sheet -

    - link to ride shares - 

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